What Is a Tummy Tuck?
During tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Andreasen removes excess, sagging skin from around the torso to restore a slender body shape. Before your surgery, a consultation meeting will take place to discuss treatment goals, examine the treatment sites, and determine which procedure is most appropriate for the results you desire.
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tuck is most appropriate for patients who have loose, sagging skin in the lower abdominal area. Post-pregnancy women are typically ideal candidates for this procedure. Likewise, this technique can also be used on patients struggling with muscle laxity. This procedure can tighten the abdominal muscles, correcting a slight pooch you may be experiencing. Dr. Andreasen makes the incision at the bikini line, making it inconspicuous and easily concealed by a bathing suit.
Full Tummy Tuck
A full tummy tuck procedure is ideal for patients in need of skin excision and muscle tightening that extends above the belly button. Many patients are ideal candidates, including those who have achieved major weight loss, post-pregnancy women, and patients managing the effects of aging. Dr. Andreasen will make one incision along the lower abdomen and a second incision around the navel. This will give him more access to tighten your abdominal muscles, allowing him to also remove skin from both the lower and middle abdomen. Scarring may be a bit extensive though likely fade over time. This procedure will also allow the opportunity to reposition your navel in a more attractive position.
Extended Tummy Tuck
While a more intensive procedure, an extended tummy tuck is typically more appropriate for patients who have a lot of excess skin following massive weight loss. Dr. Andreasen will make a lengthy incision that wraps around your hips to remove the excess folds of skin. Your incision will likely be visible and not as easily concealed, but this is seen as a worthy trade-off to reveal a brand new figure.
If you’d like to find out more about which tummy tuck procedure is most appropriate for you, contact us for a consultation with Dr. Andreasen. Our office can be reached at 909-291-4900. We look forward to helping you!